Detention Officer in Law Enforcement Center

Kingman County
New Career and Training with a $1,500 Retention Bonus at the new Law Enforcement Center with the Kingman County Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff Office is accepting applications for the position of full time Detention Officer. Detention Officers perform duties relating to public safety by providing security and control of persons detained in the Kingman County Detention Center. Computer skills are required. Salary starts at $15.62/hr. Kingman County offers excellent benefits including family plan insurance that is on average another $10/ benefits. For application, qualifications, and job description, contact the Kingman County Sheriff's Office at (620) 532-5133 or stop by 120 N. Spruce, Ki
Responsibilities & Qualifications
Insurance, Retirement Plan, Paid Leave
130 N. Spruce
130 N. Spruce